Jesus, the Man of Prayer from the Gospel of Luke

Jesus, the Man of Prayer from the Gospel of Luke
By Rick Arnold

Jesus Praying

Introduction: (James 5:16-20) The importance of prayer
1. Prayer is a key to harvest
2. Prayers that get answered and affect the harvest are fervent and effectual (efficient, they have purpose)
3. Despite our weaknesses we can all be used in prayer. We have the great privilege of joining in with the prayers of the great intercessor

Jesus, the Man of Prayer:

I. (Luke 3:21-23) Jesus began His ministry through prayer
1. As he prayed the heavens were opened
2. The Holy Spirit manifested
3. The voice of the Father came

II. (Luke 4:1-2) Jesus overcame opposition through prayer and fasting
1. Just because we have favor with the Father does not mean we will not face opposition
2. Jesus fasted and prayed when temptation came
3. I remember 2006 was the year of trial and temptation

III. (Luke 4:14) Jesus continuously walked in the power of the Spirit through prayer
1. (vs 14) Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit
2. (vs 18-19) He had a good anointing. He overcame the enemy and things are going real well.

IV. (Luke 5:15-17) Jesus dealt with success by praying more. The Bible says He often withdrew and prayed
1. (Luke 5:15) Jesus is getting real famous now and the ministry activity is really picking up, but we can’t let the business of ministry stop us from praying
2. If the devil doesn’t discourage you in the wilderness then he will try and cause you to fall from pride. The same devil that whispers, “You can’t do anything” is now saying, “Wow! You are the greatest!”
3. (vs 17) The power of the Lord was present to heal. As a result of prayer the power of the Lord was present,
4. but notice it says JESUS HIMSELF withdrew and prayed. We have to be careful that as our ministries gain momentum that we don’t just rely upon intercessors. For example some of the old healing evangelists backslid but there were still miracles because of the hunger of the people.

V. (Luke 6:12-13) Jesus received wisdom to build his ministry through prayer
1. (vs 12) Jesus went all night and prayed. Wow! What could He be praying all night to do? Maybe raise the dead or something great? No, He prayed all night to pick the disciples. We need wisdom not only how to minister but to who we will join with and which doors we will go through. Unless the Lord builds the house, they that labor in vain. In the beginning we don’t have many options and take what ever door we can find but as our ministries progress we need to bathe all of these decisions in prayer.

VI. (Luke 9:18-20) As Jesus was praying alone Peter was getting a revelation of who Jesus was
1. Before we ask people who Jesus is to them it helps if we spend time in prayer for them

VII. (Luke 9:28-29) As Jesus prayed he was transformed. His face (identity) was altered and His robe was white. Here we see that we not only pray for successful ministries but prayer forms our identity in Christ and purifies our character

VIII. (Luke 11:1-4, 9) Jesus taught others to pray by praying
1. Jesus must have prayed with a contagious anointing Because when He was done one of His disciples who had been watching said Lord teach us to pray. I hope my children can look at my life of prayer and say dad, teach me to pray like you do. The best way to teach others to pray, is just to pray. Too often we right books, preach messaged, and have conferences about prayer without simply praying.
2. Lord’s prayer a practical example:
a) worship
b) God’s will, intercession
c) Confession and repentance
d) Personal needs
3. We also see different kinds of prayer in vs 9 (Ask, Seek, Knock)
4. Prayer Hand (Note: this is great for children): There is one thing that I’d like to share, the secret of blessing is the three p’s of prayer (power, purpose, plan)
a) To pray for one hour be filled with God’s power
b) We won’t cause a fuss if we have a purpose
c) If you follow the hand, you’ll remember the plan (Praise, Worship, Confession, Intercession, Our needs, Back to Praise and thanksgiving)

IX. (Luke 22:39-46) Jesus received power to go to the cross through prayer

X. (Luke 23:33-34) Jesus ended His ministry through prayer
1. Because Jesus was a man of prayer He never got bitter at the trials He was to face. In the end He was still sweet and prayed for His enemies. Many are dropping out of the ministry today. They are bitter, discouraged, or disillusioned. Living a life of prayer is the only way we will make it strong to the end and here the words, well done my good and faithful servant.


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2 Responses to Jesus, the Man of Prayer from the Gospel of Luke

  1. the research on jesus’ prayers was done thoroughly .thak you

  2. more about the prayers

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